Resume & LinkedIn Process

1. Schedule a Free Discovery Call

Discovery calls last approximately 15-30 min. We will discuss your project needs and determine which services best align with your goals. We will also address any questions or concerns you have.

2. Review and Sign Contract

Following the discovery call, you will receive an email with a contract and scope of work.

3. Pay your Invoice

After your contract is signed, an invoice will be generated for your packages and services.

4. Schedule 90-minute Questionnaire Call

Once all packages and services are paid in full, you will be sent a link to schedule your 90-minute Questionnaire call. The Questionnaire call is where the work begins. During this call, we will go over your current resume (if applicable), measurable accomplishments, work history/experience with dates, edcuation history, and skills.Make sure to provide any current documents (resume, cover letter, etc.) and passwords for LinkedIn (if applicable).

5. Drafting Stage

The clock begins once the Questionnaire Call is complete and all documents/login information has been received. Most projects have a 7-day turnaround time, though most projects are completed earlier. Larger projects may take more time and will be communicated as such. We will be in contact throughout the process as needed.

6. Review Stage

Your new document(s) will be emailed for your review. When reviewing, please provide comments (under Review in Microsoft Word) for anything that needs to be fixed/updated. Once completed, you will email the saved resume with comments back to us. All revision requests must be made in writing or have written client approval before any changes will be made. There are two rounds of revision included in all packages and services.

7. Final Delivery

YWe will send finalized documents (Word & PDF copies) to you through email.